You may have noticed that things have changed a bit on our site as of late, primarily where pricing is concerned, so allow us to explain these changes.
Firstly we have not adjusted our prices on dry goods in some cases for nearly 7 years, this is to our detriment and was something that needed to be done as our wholesales costs have been increased steadily over the years.
Secondly we had to address how we collect and display taxes on our site as we are indeed a registered business who pays taxes and at the request of our accountant we have changed our taxes from inclusive to additive.
What this means is our old prices were set a tad higher than retail so that we were taking in taxes in the background, making it so we could display nice round numbers on our site which very much agreed with my OCD. What will happen going forward is our prices will be set to MSRP and all of our taxes will be visible at checkout ensuring everyone is clear on what our prices represent.
In addition to price adjustments that in many cases will unfortunately increase, things like Isopod pricing has been marginally reduced for some species not only to better represent current market value but also as a way to combat what will ultimately result in a minor increase at checkout for your live animals purchases.
We have not decided how expos will run, I don't want to be collecting massive amounts of change or having to do too much math for my remedial brain to process so more than likely prices will have inclusive tax like before but will now reflect our newly adjusted MSRP.
We hope this all makes sense and you understand the need for these changes and that you continue to support us, we love offering competitive prices but over the years we have witnessed a steady decrease in profit from supplies in general and addressing the issue was far past due.
We thank you for your continued support, it is greatly appreciated.
Justin Floyd & Renee Drinkwater